Jaram Kim, Violin

A laureate of the 2000 Yehudi Menuhin International Young Violinists Competition, Jaram Kim made her debut at the age of six in GwangJu Namdo Art Concerto Hall. After receiving the Keum Ho scholarship, Jaram came to the United States to study at the Juilliard PreCollege in the studio of Hyo Kang and made her New York concerto debut performing with the Jupiter Symphony under the baton of Maestro Jens Nygaard.

Jaram graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music with a Bachelor of Music degree in 2007 from the studio of Ida Kavafian; while at Curtis she performed under the baton of conductors including Christoph Eschenbach, Michael Tilson Thomas, and Otto­-Werner Mueller. Then in 2008, she began her graduate studies at the Yale School of Music under the direction of Ani Kavafian. In 2009, Jaram moved to Italy to continue her studies at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole in Florence under the tutelage of M. Pavel Vernikov, and in 2010, Jaram joined the studio of M. Salvatore Accardo at the Accademia Walter Stauffer Fondazione in Cremona, Italy.

She has been an active performer while participating in numerous festivals in the United States of America, Canada and Europe, including Aspen Music Festival, Bowdoin International Music Festival and the Heifetz Institute. She was also one of the youngest participants of Pinchas Zukerman's National Arts Centre Orchestra Young Artists Program in Canada. Her festival engagements in Europe include the Kronberg Academy in Germany, Aurora Masterclasses in Sweden, International Summer Academy of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in Austria, Amiata Festival and Festival of Spoleto in Italy. Jaram also has an extensive teaching experience, a year of which she spent teaching the violinists of the Orchestra Giovanile Italiana. In 2011, Jaram accepted the position of Primo Violino of the orchestra La Verdi.

Besides the tours in Europe and Middle Asia with the La Verdi Orchestra, Jaram toured South America and India as a soloist with the Gracias Choir Orchestra under the sponsorship of the International Youth Foundation. She collaborated as a Guest Concertmaster with orchestras such as the Orquesta Clásica Santa Cecilia of Madrid under the direction of Maestro Kynan Johns.

For three consecutive years, she served as violin faculty member at the Music in the Mountains Conservatory in Durango, Colorado. Jaram was also invited to give masterclasses in La Coruña and as an associate faculty at the Indiana University Summer String Academy. She was an outside instructor at Columbia University and held a violin faculty position at Gracias Music and Mahanaim in Huntington, NY.

In 2019, she received the Doctoral of Music Arts degree from the Stony Brook University under the guidance of Hagai Shaham and Phil Setzer, where she also served as a Teaching Assistant. Currently, she holds a Violin Faculty position at the Bard College Conservatory of Music Pre­College in New York and is a co-founder of the Music Academy for Young Professionals.


Erika Gray, Viola


Emi Ferguson, Flute